What Can Astrology Teach Us About Life After Coronavirus?

From time to time, I introduce you to friends, mentors and professional colleagues who add value and insights to the world in unique ways in a series of guest blog posts - just like this one!

I like to say that I’m a little woo. Not woo-woo, just a lil’ woo. That’s why today I’m excited to share with you my friend and Master Astrologist, Dan Beck.

I first met Dan through my team training work in New Orleans and quickly struck up a friendship due to our shared love of self-reflection, curiosity and karaoke. With these uncertain times, I reached out to Dan and asked him for his insight to see if he could share any insight into what the stars and planets could tell us about the weeks and months ahead.

**For those not familiar with astrology, I like to say that it’s less like witchcraft and more like accounting - Enjoy!**

By: Dan Beck, Stress Management Coach

Dan Beck is the leading astrologer in New Orleans who has received unanimous praise for his work. Largely self taught he still seeks out internationally recognized master astrologers to further his development.

What can Astrology teach us about life after Coronavirus?

Have you felt afraid these past couple of months? Surely you know you’re not alone. A virus the likes of which we’ve never seen in modern times has brought the world to a halt. And understandably fear is the most common response. 

We’ve evolved over millennia to react to the unknown with anxiety. The problem with this response is that it is almost never helpful. Fear is only useful if you’re in the wild, about to be eaten by a bear. But feeling afraid when you’re home alone and unsure of what to do next is expected but not advisable. So how can you best face your fears? Many turn to religion or science for salvation. But there is a third option - astrology.

Astrology is a DIVINATORY art that can yield great insights into the workings of the universe and our relationship with the cosmos. I emphasize inquisitive stargazing as a process that can illuminate events here on Earth while giving us critical insights into the potential meaning behind them. So what are the planets saying right now? To understand this question, we must first look at the planet Saturn, the Granddaddy of the visible planets and the one who astrologically wields the most power in 2020.

A Quick Background on Saturn 

In astrology, Saturn  indicates limitation and restriction. Notably, Saturn is also the Roman equivalent of the Greek God Chronos, lord of time and where the word chronology comes from. Put them  together, and there are massive restraints being levied on everyone’s time. There is more to this celestial story but suffice it to say that Saturn is definitely revealing a pattern of social isolation and  limitation to social networks and currency that would normally flow more easily.

Saturn & Self-isolation, and What We Can Learn

The point of astrology is to try and learn a lesson from the stars, not just abstractly think about the wondrous world of mythology and its planetary embodiments. What might that lesson be? Unfortunately, Saturn is said to rejoice in such instances as we find ourselves at present, and he is even associated with bad spirits. He loves places of imprisonment, literal and figurative, that are also the spaces of personal failings. Each of us has been locked down for the past several weeks. 

However, the great gift of Saturn is that he also grants us a chance to liberate ourselves from these circumstances. Self-isolation due to COVID-19 has given each of us a chance to experience ourselves in solitude or around only a few people without the normative, fast-paced demands of the digital age. 

The door has been opened for you to take a good look in the mirror and experience yourself absent from the other sectors of your life. The question “who are you when you’re alone?” takes on new significance. There are probably things that needed to be addressed pre-COVID-19 that are now coming to the forefront. This is your chance, as chance occurrences are random but carry the possibility of turning them into your kairos, the Greek word for opportune moment. When you face your fears, fears that can only come out when you are home alone, you will be surprised by the emergence of your newfound freedom. 

To read more from Dan Beck click here or follow along his daily astrology update videos on Facebook.


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