Top Tips for Hiring a Motivational Keynote Speaker for your Sales Conference!

Sales conferences, sales summits and sales team gatherings are a huge opportunity for organizations to recharge, reignite and unify their teams. Keynote speakers and trainers at these events have the potential to not only set the tone for the event but kick off a new year, spark a fire amongst your sales team for big goals and also create a community of high performing sales professionals that love to win - together. So how do you pick the best sales keynote speaker for your company or organization? Here are 3 must-have things that your keynote speaker should deliver to your sales team!


First, your keynote speaker should be entertaining. If you're looking for someone who can keep your sales team engaged, whether through humor, variety in vocals, entertainment, multimedia and more! Let's face it - attention spans are shorter than ever so having a keynote speaker who is is intelligent and well spoken is the bare minimum! Getting someone who is an expert AND fun to watch is a win-win and exactly what the sales superstars of today and tomorrow crave!


Second, your keynote speaker should have relevant stories to your audience, industry and to real life! Stories are a great way to connect with your audience and deliver a message that is both relatable and inspiring. Drawing on stories about their own journey, ranging from failures, mistakes to victories and success as well as stories from historical figures, pop culture and more, the science shows our brains love stories - and a great storyteller can keep even the most distracted audiences on the edge of their seat.


Third, your keynote speaker should deliver fresh sales strategies and messages. If you're looking for someone to tell you to "mirror your client's energy" or other tired sales-tips, you will be setting your sales team up for failure in the future economy. There are some topics about sales that are vital to your organization and sales team's success, as long as they are fresh and inclusive. 

For example, communication is a subject many keynote speakers will speak on - but do they deliver a keynote that touches on omnichannel prospecting or how about being relatable in today's digital world? Or how about burnout speakers that deliver messages such as "take a rest day" and "self-care is the answer" which tend to fall flat on the ears of high performers, leaders and sales teams? This is part of the reason Rachel Sheerin (LINK TO SITE?) is a sought after keynote speaker for sales conferences - her message of "Love your work again" and strategies to battle burnout are created for high performers who don't need a spa day, they need to unlock their own recharging strategies so they can win even more!

When getting your sales team together, the potential for performance boosting is high - make sure you bring in the right event professionals and keynote speakers to get you to that big ROI you're looking for. Helping your people and your profits is just some of what a great sales and motivational keynote speaker can do!


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What I learned from emceeing the Nobel Prize of The Internet Awards that you can apply to your virtual event.