The Basics of Booking a Keynote Speaker

If you're in the process of planning a corporate event, you've likely considered booking a keynote speaker. But what exactly is a keynote speaker, and how do you go about booking one? Keep reading to find out!

What is a Keynote Speaker?

A keynote speaker is typically a person with expertise in a particular subject who delivers a speech that serves as the centerpiece of an event. The speech is usually intended to inspire or motivate the audience, and it can be either serious or lighthearted in nature - though my favorite is a speaker who can blend both! For example, Brene Brown is a vulnerability expert and sought after keynote speaker on that topic, just like Brittany Hodak is a customer experience expert, Rachel DeAlto is a relatability expert, and Christina Blacken is community-building and storytelling expert with a focus on DEI. 

Choose the right Keynote Speaker for your event

When choosing a keynote speaker for your event, it's important to consider both the topic of the event and the audience that will be in attendance. For example, if you're hosting a conference of franchisees, you’ll want someone who knows that audience, their challenges and goals! This is one of the reasons I love speaking to franchises - I’ve worked for a lot of them and helped start many! Similarly, if your audience will be primarily composed of millennials, you'll want to choose someone who can speak to their unique experiences and concerns. Gone are the days of having speakers who are out of touch and using exclusionary language too - which is why I created my Inclusive Speaking Guide which you can download and share with your leadership and speakers.

How to book a Keynote Speaker

Once you've decided on the perfect keynote speaker for your event, it's time to start the booking process. The first step is to contact the speaker or speaker bureau partner and check the speaker’s availability for your event date. Once you've confirmed that they're available, you'll have the opportunity to ask questions, meet with the speaker and then sign the contract, typically with a 50% deposit. And that's it—you're all set to begin customizing the keynote to your audience, goals, theme and more, plus the speaker may create pre-event videos for your event to help the marketing of the event. Personally, I love doing this.

As you can see, booking a keynote speaker for your next corporate event, annual conference and all-hands team gathering is a big decision that can be made easier with just a few steps. Plus, asking for referrals from other meeting professionals and industry groups can be helpful such as MPI (Meeting Professionals International), PMCA (Professional Convention Management Association) and NACE (National Association of Catering and Events). From picking the right speaker to confirming the details and getting the great survey results after your event, a great keynote speaker is your event partner every step of the way!

Rachel Sheerin is an award-winning keynote speaker, emcee and burnout expert. Interested in learning more about Rachel for your event? Contact us today!


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