How To Create A Positive And Productive Workplace

Work can be a source of fun or frustration, productivity or pretty distracting - which one is your organization choosing?! At the core of the most productive workplaces and cultures is the ultimate feel good secret weapon: POSITIVITY!

Creating a positive workplace environment is essential for employee engagement, effective leadership and increased productivity. Achieving this requires focusing on employee wellbeing, creating a sense of belonging, fostering collaboration, encouraging open communication and developing trust among colleagues. By implementing these practices in the workplace, employers can create an atmosphere that promotes employee satisfaction and motivation which will result in higher levels of productivity.

1. Provide flexibility. Offer flexible work hours, remote working options or employee-led initiatives like job sharing or career break opportunities to help employees achieve the ideal balance between their professional and personal lives. 

TIP: Feel like flexibility isn’t possible for you and your business or team? Keep it simple and ask yourself “Where can I give my team choices?”. Sometimes it’s as simple as asking team members what they’d like instead of making decisions on their behalf!

2. Encourage open communication. A vital component of a positive workplace and team culture is a space where people have consistent opportunities to share, connect and communicate.  Communication is the foundation of successful teams and the key to achieving success in any business - and a positive work culture is full of avenues, opportunities and methods of communication! Some of our favorites on Team Sheerin are:

  • Trello (for project management)

  • Text (that’s right, we’re those people!)

  • HoneyBook (CRM for client notes) 

  • (for brainstorming)

3. Celebrate success. Recognize employee accomplishments with awards ceremonies, company events, public recognition in newsletters etc., which will motivate them further in their roles and create a culture of achievement within the organization. Part of an association? Nominate team members for industry awards. Want to go to a conference? Submit a scholarship application on their behalf! Celebrating the wins and joys of individuals and the team is time well spent!

4. Invest in training & development opportunities. Offer resources such as eLearning platforms, workshops, annual meetings, on-going training and team building events, etc., to ensure that your staff are up-to-date with industry trends and best practices which will benefit both the employee’s individual growth as well as organizational success. From gathering the team together to level up and learn to providing opportunities for professional certifications, investing in knowledge and connection can boost connection and confidence individually and as a group.

5. Show appreciation. In John Ruhlin's GIFTOLOGY book, he says “Remember: it’s not the thought that counts, but it’s the thoughtful thought that counts.” Impactful appreciation at work follows this rule, promoting a positive workplace by showing gratitude towards each other has a big ROI in positivity. Through simple acts such as thank you notes/ cards, gifts or personalized rewards for outstanding performance or exceptional acts on behalf of the team, saying "Thank you" doesn't have to cost much to be of high value. Plus, when you give to others it often brings as much joy to the gift-giver as it does to the recipient! That's a true win-win.

SIDE NOTE: As my friend and author, Brittany Hodak says in her book "Creating Superfans", if something has your logo on it, it's not a gift - it's an advertisement. Keep this in mind!

6 . Develop trust through engagement. Provide opportunities where colleagues can build relationships outside of work , such as off-site meetings, attending association conferences, team building events, happy hours and more! Engaged and trusting teams show 21% more profitability per this Gallup poll, Those teams who score in the top 20% in engagement realize a 41% reduction in absenteeism, and 59% less turnover. When teams know each other as people AND professionals, they experience an increase in loyalty, empathy and camaraderie - all vital for high performing organizations.

7. Show Respect for Different Opinions and Backgrounds. The successful teams of today are made up of many different backgrounds, perspectives and experiences - but how do we ensure everyone is able to contribute their superpowers consistently? Psychological safety! Psychological safety is when people feel safe and comfortable expressing their ideas, opinions and feelings without worrying about being judged or ignored. This creates an environment where everyone can work together to come up with the best solutions.  Leaders must create an environment that is free from any form of discrimination, judgment or criticism and cultivate a culture of open dialogue where employees can express themselves without fear of retaliation, judgment or penalty.

8 . Establish Clear Goals and Expectations. Creating clear goals and expectations is essential for employee productivity and employee satisfaction. By providing employees with a clear vision and understanding of the tasks they are expected to complete, employers can ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to performance objectives. Clear goals at work can look like:

  • Setting measurable objectives (Can we track it?)

  • Having a clear end goal/finish line (When are we done?)

  • Identifying the person/team responsible (Who is doing this?)

  • Knowing the resources available to complete the goal (What tools can we use?)

In today's ever-changing world, leaders must take the time to create a positive work environment for their team. Investing in training and development opportunities, showing appreciation, developing trust between colleagues, respecting different opinions and backgrounds and establishing clear goals are all key components of creating an optimal workspace that allows employees to feel safe expressing themselves while also delivering high performance results. Leaders who prioritize building a positive workplace will have teams that stay engaged and motivated over the long term - resulting in improved productivity levels both now and into the future.

Rachel Sheerin is an award-winning keynote speaker, emcee and burnout expert. Want to book Rachel for your event? Contact us today!


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