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I’ve built multi-million dollar sales teams, created sought-after courses and worked for titans of the industry across the world. Today, I motivate and educate high-performers so they can level up their success, increase their impact, and live a life they love.

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Rachel Sheerin Rachel Sheerin

How To Create A Positive And Productive Workplace

How To Create A Positive And Productive Workplace

Work can be a source of fun or frustration, productivity or pretty distracting - which one is your organization choosing?! At the core of the most productive workplaces and cultures is the ultimate feel good secret weapon: POSITIVITY!

Creating a positive workplace environment is essential for employee engagement, effective leadership and increased productivity. Achieving this requires focusing on employee wellbeing, creating a sense of belonging, fostering collaboration, encouraging open communication and developing trust among colleagues. By implementing these practices in the workplace, employers can create an atmosphere that promotes employee satisfaction and motivation which will result in higher levels of productivity.

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Podcasts Rachel Sheerin Podcasts Rachel Sheerin

How to Slow Down and Tackle Overwhelm

Overwhelm is real. Living fast is a habit the world wants us to be in, which may feel great - until it doesn’t. Sometimes you have to take a step back to find the rhythm of life. Sometimes you just gotta slow down for a minute… so you can go fast again! 😎 If you’re a high performer, here’s the tools you need to think about struggle in a new way.

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Happiness Rachel Davis Humphries Happiness Rachel Davis Humphries

3 Questions to Help You Re-Define Productivity During Chaos

If you’re anything like me, I bet you LOVE feeling productive. You crush goals from dawn to dusk, revel in a feeling of accomplishment all day long, and you’re known for being a high performer and getting things done. 💪 However, in times of crisis, every day can feel like a struggle, no matter how accustomed we are to checking off lists and conquering goals.

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